Friday, 16 September 2022

Aircrack-ng Suite

 Aircrack-ng Suite Wireless Assessment

Aircrack-ng is the most popular open source wireless network security tool. it is  typically found on Kali Linux distributions, although it has also been ported to Windows operating systems. it can be used to monitor wireless networks, intercept traffic, disrupt wireless communication between hosts, and even crack wireless keys, such as those used in WEP and both WPA2 and WPA3. 

Aircrack-ng is also used by attacker for cracking the Wi-Fi security and password.  Hacker used Cupp utility with Aircrack-ng for cracking wireless password.

Aircrack-ng consists of four main  separate tools, each with a specific purpose. Following are  some useful functions of Aircrack-ng Suite,

We used Kali Linux environment for these commands.

Aircrack-ng options

For wireless password cracking from cupp file,

 aircrack-ng –a2 –b <BSSID of WLAN Router> -w /root/Desktop/cupp/Albert.txt ‘/root/Desktop/WPA.cap’

After Processing, its give Following KEY

Wireless Technologies such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are  widely used technologies nowadays. These technologies can be secured using different network monitoring and auditing tools, configuring strict access control policies, best practices, and  techniques. we need strong  Wi-Fi encryptions and their
issues, moving from WEP to WPA2, strong authentication, and encryptions, best practices will make wireless network harder to be compromised.

*As per my last blog, In future  we discuss one-by-one Vulnerability Assessment  (VA) tools. If you have any question, you can ask me in comments section.

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